The Last Letter of 2014
My beloved friends,
I hope this letter finds you well and happy during this festive Holiday period.
First of all I wanted to thank you for 2014, a year filled with the affection and support you showed me through social media and at the beautiful concerts that united us. There are no words to express how thankful I am for all that you give me and for the energy you fill me with – it represents an unstoppable force that keeps me moving forward. I hope and wish that your 2015 will be marvelous and bright, filled with good health, affection, friends, love, and positive energy. Beginning a new year, starting with a clean slate, is always a hopeful time, and the thought of commencing a new cycle overwhelms us with the desire to do things right. I wish with all my heart and soul that the situation in Mexico and across the globe will improve this coming year, that love inundates the hearts of those who have forgotten how to love their brothers, and that those who know how to love can find a way to collaborate to ensure that our world, the one each of us is living in for just a short while, is a happier, more peaceful, and fairer place for all.... Read More